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  • Lillian Rosengarten

I am an American Jew who was born in Germany when Hitler came to power. I am not a Zionist.  Support of Israel and its apartheid as well as the stolen land is counter to any true reality. Supporting Zionist Israel without truly understanding the injustice to Palestinians as well as well as Palestine, is tragically a repeat of the Nazi hatred and destruction of Jews. 

How hateful, how racist, how deprecating the school books in Israel talk about Palestinians. For information, read Nurit Elhanan who was a professor at the University of Tel Aviv. She has made a study of the school books and one can only be appalled and horrified.  Why is there such fear of having an open debate on Israel? It is stunning how much time the US as well as Germany spends on defending a foreign nation that is so clearly an apartheid nation. Yes anti-Semitism  is real and deep in the world. Yes Zionism has completely distorted anti-Semitism to include all who support Palestinian freedom.  When Jews hear something that is vaguely anti-Semitic, the pain is real as is the political divide of Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land  and the growing lack of support for Israel’s harsh, right wing government. Where there is no dialogue, there is no freedom.

Israel arose from the ashes of the Holocaust to become its own monster. Zionism learned well man’s inhumanity to man so that the cycle of hatred continues.



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  • Lillian Rosengarten

Zionism was created by Theodor Herzel and others in the late 19th century and in that era it was commonplace to be colonialist, to be racist, to be super-nationalist, to adore the nation-state - so the idea of France for the French,  Germany for the Germanics, and then some nation-state for the Jews. This all formed the basis for Zionism.

There is no “National Judaism.” There is Zionism and there is Judaism, and they are completely different. And so,  you cannot connect Zionism with “highly ethical” You can only connect the words, aggressive, oppressive, stealing, robbing,  killing,  with Zionism. Zionists have given up everything that has to do with humanity, with empathy, for one thing:  the state. The “blood and soil” just like the Nazis. But not”highly ethical."

Because formerly an anti-Semite  was somebody who hated Jews because they were Jews, and due to their Jewish nature and their race…Nowadays an anti-Semite is someone who is hated by a certain type of Zionist. The Nazi leader Goring said, “ I determine who is a Jew” And so the Zionists determine who is an anti-Semite.

I can only weep  to hear Dieter Graumann, a voice for German Jews who live in Germany declare support for the racist Zionist Nationalistic  and condemn all  who speak out against the genocide in Gaza  and the West Bank as anti-Semites. This is a tragic distortion of what it means to be an anti-Semite and a manipulation of the memory of the Nazi Holocaust.

Salam, Lillian

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  • Lillian Rosengarten

Updated: Oct 3, 2019


I am a refugee from Nazi Germany and was a passenger on a small boat to Gaza in 2010. We never made it but I was imprisoned in Israel and deported.There is a tragic distortion of what it means to be an anti-Semite and this is a manipulation of the Holocaust. His words have become my words.

"Zionism has Nothing to do With Judaism." Zionism and Judaism are contrary to each other. Because Judaism is universal and humane and Zionism is exactly the opposite, It is very narrow, very nationalistic, racist and colonist. There is no "National Judaism" There is Zionism and there is Judaism and they are completely different.

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