Zionism in Israel has replaced Jewish Identity based on spiritual values with one rooted in secular nationalism. But who are the “liberal Zionists?” Just how has the black and white determination of Zionists who wish Israel to survive and non Zionists who do not, play out as the monster where dissent and work towards a free Palestinian equates to wanting the destruction of Israel?
Liberal Zionists speak of their fears of delegitimizing Jewish Democracy. What democracy? Please be realistic. A democracy in the midst of apartheid and despair where only Jews have rights? Sorry but this makes me ashamed. Those who deliberately confuse anti-Semitism with anti-Zionism give comfort to the racist nationalistic Zionist regime.
An anti-Semite used to be a person who disliked Jews. I am not anti-Jew, I am anti-Zionist. The difference between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism is the difference between dehumanizing Jews because of their religion and reminding Jews that they share the same humanity as Palestinians.
Zionism has always equated any criticism of Zionism with anti-Semitic racism or worse. It serves as a propaganda purpose of “victimhood” and pits opponents on the defensive. I counter that. Perhaps many Jews remain trapped in their identification as “Victim?”
Israel requires us to question what the Israeli government is hiding and whether Israel has not delegitimized itself thru decades of illegal human rights abuses. I believe this destruction has profoundly contributed to the rise of true anti-Semitism today. Zionism and Judaism is not the same.
We have to get over the mindset that anti-Semitism is a “special racism” and that Jews have entire “special suffering.” The Zionists twist and distort in a way that leaves humanity frozen out of their hearts to create a monster.
As-Salaamu Alaykum
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