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Dialogue not Zionist Pathology

Lillian Rosengarten

I am an American Jew who was born in Germany when Hitler came to power. I am not a Zionist.  Support of Israel and its apartheid as well as the stolen land is counter to any true reality. Supporting Zionist Israel without truly understanding the injustice to Palestinians as well as well as Palestine, is tragically a repeat of the Nazi hatred and destruction of Jews. 

How hateful, how racist, how deprecating the school books in Israel talk about Palestinians. For information, read Nurit Elhanan who was a professor at the University of Tel Aviv. She has made a study of the school books and one can only be appalled and horrified.  Why is there such fear of having an open debate on Israel? It is stunning how much time the US as well as Germany spends on defending a foreign nation that is so clearly an apartheid nation. Yes anti-Semitism  is real and deep in the world. Yes Zionism has completely distorted anti-Semitism to include all who support Palestinian freedom.  When Jews hear something that is vaguely anti-Semitic, the pain is real as is the political divide of Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land  and the growing lack of support for Israel’s harsh, right wing government. Where there is no dialogue, there is no freedom.

Israel arose from the ashes of the Holocaust to become its own monster. Zionism learned well man’s inhumanity to man so that the cycle of hatred continues.



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© Lillian Rosengarten

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