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Lillian Rosengarten

The Kushner plan for Palestine is a nightmarish monster.  I do not believe that Trump’s son-in-law has any capacity to understand the 70 year destruction of the Palestinian state, rather this nonsense is soul-less and a disaster. The aim, I believe, is the gradual destruction of the Palestinian right to life.

The Trump administration is using Palestinian security aid as a leverage to convince congress to support the recently unveiled  Kushner plan. At this point both Palestinians and Jordanians  choose to stick together to stand up to US bullying efforts. The Arab and international opposition to the US  “peace plan”   is reassuring but it is not certain if this rejection will continue or not if the US (criminal) and Israel decide to implement this one sided deal.

Netanyahu (the other criminal) announced Saturday that Israel has started mapping out an annexation plan in line with Kushner’s proposal which would allow Israel to retain all of the settlements and to control the entire Jordan Valley.

Israel’s elections are due March 2.

There is little help. Germany is always afraid to be seen as anti-Israel because  of it’s Nazi past.  Belgium and the Dominican Republic would not want to denounce the US forcefully. Russia is developing close ties with Israel.

Quite Catastrophic.

As-Salaamu Alaykum Lillian

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Lillian Rosengarten

Why do Americans support Israel and demonize Palestinian support?  Why does Knesset stifle freedom of expression and will punish those who contradict  the character of the Israeli state as Jewish and Democratic? Why can’t schools acknowledge the history of Jews and Arabs?  It targets freedom of expression, a basic tenet for a democracy. 

How can a US President facing impeachment and an Israeli Prime Minister indicted for corruption announce a plan to solve the conflict with the Palestinians, without any Palestinian present?

A dark day for the house of hate. Yes, we must continue to refuse to be  enemies. We refuse to be victims!

How is it that secular Zionism changed into religious Zionism after 1967?

I condemn the occupation of Palestinians and oppression. I stand with suffering. We must break the barriers against peace and silence.  I speak as a Jew, in horror of the crimes my people have perpetuated against the Palestinians. As a Jew today, I claim the right to speak out, to speak the hard truth.  Zionism was started by communists and atheists as a liberation movement. . Now it is an ethnic, racist, nationalist movement. A problem is this racist ideology has been confused to rid the world of anti-Semitism. When people  started to question zionism, some said, “this is the dark side of Jewish consciousness."

Jewish Identity is about being threatened within annihilation and survival. This is a sickness, not to recover  and hold onto  victimhood. This explains the wall of defense.

Beware of being cowered by being told to not dissent or being called an anti-Semite.

A sign in Hebron says, “ there is no Palestine and there never will will be.” The sign is the State of Israel,  speaking directly.

To declare Israel an apartheid state is unbearable but it is the truth.

As-Salamu Alaykum,


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It’s very important to remember the past; no less important is to be cognizant of the present without shutting one’s eyes. The dozens of statesmen who arrived in Israel yesterday may remember the past, but they’re blurring the present. In their silence, in their disregard of reality while lining up unconditionally alongside Israel, they not only betray their roles, they also betray the memory of the past in the name of which they came here.

To be the guests of Israel without mentioning its crimes; to commemorate the Holocaust while ignoring its lessons; to visit Jerusalem without traveling to the Gaza ghetto on International Holocaust Remembrance Day one can barely think of any greater hypocrisy.It’s good that kings, presidents and other notables came here in honor of this remembrance day. It’s deplorable that they’re ignoring what the  victims of the Holocaust  are inflicting on another nation.

The city of Yerevan will never witness such an impressive gathering to commemorate the Armenian holocaust. World leaders will never come to Kigali to mark the genocide that happened in Rwanda. The Holocaust was indeed the greatest crime ever against humanity, but it was not the only one. But Jews and the state of Israel know well how to sanctify its memory as well as using it for their own purposes.

On this  International Holocaust Remembrance Day, world leaders are the guests of an Israeli prime minister who, on the eve of their visit, called for sanctions – believe it or not – on the International Criminal Court in The Hague, which is a legacy of the courts that were set up to judge the crimes of World War II. On this Remembrance Day, world leaders are coming to a prime minister who is trying to incite them against the court in The Hague. It’s hard to think of a more galling use of the Holocaust, it’s hard to conceive of a bigger betrayal of its memory than the attempt to undermine  the court in The Hague only because it wishes to fulfill its role and investigate Jerusalem. The guests will hold their silence on this issue as well. Some of them may be persuaded that the problem is in The Hague, not in Jerusalem. Sanctions on the court instead of on the occupying state.

One must never forget the Holocaust, obviously. One must also not blur the fact that it was directed against the Jewish people. But precisely for this very reason one must not ignore the conduct of its victims toward the secondary victims of the Jews’ Holocaust, the Palestinian people. Without the Holocaust they would not have lost their land, and would not be imprisoned today in a gigantic concentration camp in Gaza or living under a brutal military occupation in the West Bank.

When today they recite ad nauseam “never again,” one should cast one’s eyes honestly to the south and east, only a few kilometers away from the memorial hall at Yad Vashem. There’s no holocaust there, only apartheid. No annihilation, but a systematic brutalization of a nation. Not Auschwitz, but Gaza. How can one ignore this on International Holocaust Remembrance Day?

As-Salaamu Alaykum Lillian

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